Throwback: Bonn Sustainable AI Lab goes to Ghana!
In May 2022 the Bonn Sustainable AI Lab team travelled to Accra, Ghana, for the workshop “Sustainable AI Across Borders,” which was jointly organised by the lab and the Department of Philosophy and Classics at the University of Ghana, Legon.
“The purpose of this trip was to strengthen the partnership that we have, to share research ideas and to plan for fruitful collaborations in the future,” says Prof. Dr Aimee van Wynsberghe, the lab’s director.
The workshop was a fantastic opportunity to meet researchers at the University of Ghana, gain new insights, and learn about Ghanaian perspectives on personhood, artificial intelligence, and sustainability.
Representatives of both universities signed a Memorandum of Understanding laying out the institutions’ intention to continue and deepen the existing research cooperation. The lab’s team is also excited that University of Ghana PhD students Modestha Mensah and Dodzi Hattoh have been awarded Argelander Scholarships from the University of Bonn to join the lab for 12 months in 2023.
You can find photos from the trip below.
A video about the workshop, including reflections from participants, is available on YouTube.