Art Engagement
The Bonn Sustainable AI Lab regularly collaborates with artists and designers, for example in the framework of the ArtScience Residency.

Panel Discussion: ArtScience Residency at the Sustainable AI Conference 2023
Title: "When Art meets Science: Fostering new forms of Collaboration"
- Špela Petrič, Deutsche Telekom ArtScience Residency, Slovenia
- Prof. Dr Aimee van Wynsberghe, University of Bonn, Germany
- Nathalie Hoyos, Office for Art, Curator Art Collection Deutsche Telekom, Germany
- Irakli Sabekia, Deutsche Telekom ArtScience Residency, The Netherlands
Moderator: Charlotte Bander

Artist presentations by Irakli Sabekia and Špela Petrič at the Sustainable AI Conference 2023

Bonn Sustainable AI Lab at Ars Electronica Festival
The Bonn Sustainable AI Lab team was very excited to travel to Austria for one of the most important festivals for digital art: Ars Electronica. The festival took place from 7-11 September 2022 in Linz, Austria, and focussed on the interlinkages between art, technology and society.
At the festival, the ArtScience Residency’s winner Irakli Sabekia presented his ‘Archive of Spatial Knowledge’, the artwork he created in the framework of the residency with the Sustainable AI Lab.
Aimee van Wynsberghe and Irakli Sabekia participated in the panel “Residency. But How?” and shared their experiences with the residency programme.
Click the links below for more information or a video of the panel.

ArtScience Residency – Irakli Sabekia
Artist talk at Foyer of Deutsche Telekom
9. June 2022, 17:00 – 19:00
Language: English
Place: Foyer Headquarter Deutsche Telekom, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn (open for everybody) or ONLINE-STREAM.
Speaker: Irakli Sabekia (Artist), Prof. Dr. Aimee van Wynsberghe (Sustainable AI Lab, University Bonn), Antje Hundhausen (Vice President Brand Experience, Deutsche Telekom)
Moderator: Laura Welzenbach (Head of Ars Electronica Export)
ArtScience Residency 2022 - The winners